
Attracting Talent: Five Top Social Recruiting Tips

Wednesday 12 October 2016

Attracting Talent: Five Top Social Recruiting Tips
With social media platforms such as LinkedIn (used by 128million people per month), Twitter (used by 288million people per month) and Facebook (used by 1.7billion people per month) becoming increasingly popular in a ‘digital first’ society, recruiters should be turning their attention to making their company stand out online and gaining quality candidates through social recruiting.

Consistency is key.

60,000 job vacancies are tweeted about per day on just twitter alone, and with the unemployment rate being 4.9%, the lowest it has been since October 2005, the race to find the best candidates is more competitive than ever. The look, design and content of your social media platforms will impact the way in which you are perceived by potential candidates and your clients. Therefore, to attract the best calibre candidates you must ensure all of your company’s social media pages are of a similar layout and design, constantly reinforcing your brand. Having a consistent layout that is aesthetically pleasing and portrays your brand values will help you to attract not only more candidates, but candidates that possess the attitude and behaviour you are looking for.

Check the content.

Having consistency across your company’s social media pages is one thing, engaging your target audience and holding their attention is another. Make sure you keep your social media pages up-to-date with the latest industry news, and show off your personality. This will make your company seem likeable, approachable and professional. Including hashtags of content or news that you are interested in or of team events, such as ‘#TeamAwayDay and #TeamOuting’, will once again help you connect with the right candidates that are the best fit for your company. Social media really helps candidates get an insight into your company’s personality and decide whether you are the right match to help them with their recruiting needs or not.

Use what you have.

According to a survey conducted by Monster in 2014, 65% of respondents admitted that they would consider a new job role if they had heard about it from a personal connection. Word of mouth is one of the most powerful advertising tools, not to mention it is also free! The combination of these two tools can be used and taken advantage of if you encourage your recruiters to use their own social media accounts. This is where recruiters can push forward any vacancies that they feel personal connections would be well suited to, ultimately speeding up the recruitment process.

Explore the tools.

Although social media platforms have opened up a lot of doors for recruiters to find suitable and quality candidates, too many recruiters are not using the tools provided by social media platforms, such as the advertising features, to their full potential. The advertising features on platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and even Google+ allow recruiters to determine a specific target audience that would be best suited to the job role being advertised.

Stay Modern

Technology is continuously advancing, and along with it is the software. As a result, digital branding is becoming more and more important. In order for companies to remain as being seen as modern and to continue to move with the times, they need a strong digital presence. Too many recruiters have a dated website that was created using basic software, which can be off putting to candidates. Instead, invest in a smart and modern website that stands out and is easy to navigate, making your website more inviting will make it easier for potential candidates to contact you.   Sources:
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