
Business Insights: Remaining at the Forefront of Technology

Monday 7 January 2019

Business Insights: Remaining at the Forefront of Technology
Sometimes in business you need a bit of luck. But you also need passion, determination and the right skills to capitalise on this luck and turn it into a growing and sustainable business. And that is exactly what Brownian Motion has done - a business that is at the forefront of technology.

We recently caught up with Jeff Brown, Head Honcho at Brownian Motion to reveal the secret behind his success and what advice he’d give to future entrepreneurs.

When he was younger, Jeff always wanted to make movies and spent his twenties making music videos, short films and corporate videos.  Things changed in 2007 when he took a punt by backing a new camera, the Red One.

This camera was going to be Red Digital Cinema’s first production camera and would eventually end up taking two years to develop. Regardless, Jeff put a deposit down and two years later found that he was one of the first people in the UK to own a Red One.

Initially, Jeff’s only intention was to use the camera to make independent movies. However, he soon found himself inundated with requests to rent the camera. It was then that the origins of Brownian Motion as a rental company were born.

It may have been luck that Jeff found himself in the position to capitalise on the change from film to digital in the movie industry, but it was from his passion for film production, combined with his business acumen that he has been able to create a fully-fledged rental company that is now at the forefront of technology.

Jeff has made it a priority to stay ahead of the curve, ensuring the company always had the latest technology available. 

From the very beginning, Brownian Motion has embraced new technology and new ways of doing things. Jeff has made it a priority to stay ahead of the curve, ensuring the company always had the latest technology available.

And that is the key to Brownian Motion’s success – the company is always evolving and has innovation at its core. Jeff’s team focus on design and problem solving, not only bringing the latest equipment to its customers, but also designing and innovating accessories, building custom rigs and offering tailored services. This has meant that despite increasing competition, Brownian Motion has successfully managed to differentiate and build its reputation as being at the cutting edge of digital acquisition.

Jeff Brown, Brownian Motion

Brownian Motion is now proud to call amongst its customers major commercial production films, which Jeff states is his biggest achievement, “from starting out on my own to now having a dedicated, experienced team that work with huge films is a massive achievement”.

So, what does the future now hold for Brownian Motion?

Jeff wishes to continue to build on his success, consolidating his reputation and becoming the number one place for innovative camera technology.

To achieve his ambition, Jeff is aware that he needs a good life work balance,  “Balance in business is vital. To be successful you not only have to manage your business, but also yourself personally. Business is important, but you should also acknowledge other areas of your life and know when to let go."

“Balance in business is vital. To be successful you not only have to manage your business, but also yourself personally.”

Part of that equation is to make sure you have a good team to manage the stresses and strains, “Being a business owner means you must wear many different hats – HR, marketing, finance etc in addition to your day-to-day role. You therefore need a team around you that you can trust and delegate to, especially if you wish to grow.”

Jeff’s final piece of advice to business owners is simply to “love what you do”.  “Whether you’re a start-up or otherwise, you need to be motivated every day and that can only come from being in a business that you are passionate about.”

Jeff has managed to build a business that combines his passion for movie production with being at the forefront of technology. To find out more about Brownian Motion, visit their website or follow them on Instagram @brownianmotionrental

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