
How to Make the Most of Social Platforms when Recruiting

Thursday 22 January 2015

How to Make the Most of Social Platforms when Recruiting
Social media is the world’s largest database. Therefore, it makes sense that 94% of recruiters are making use of it. Here we provide some quick tips for the three biggest platforms.



When it comes to hashtags (#) it can be said that they are easily the most important factor of the social networking empire. This is especially true for recruitment agencies as hashtags determine whether your potential candidates see your post or not. Using hashtags, such as ‘#recruitment’ and ‘#recruiting’, as well as relevant key words concerning the position itself, means that potential candidates who define their search by key words will have an increased chance of seeing your tweet.


Do not forget the 140 character limit, which does restrict you to what you can say. It is important that you keep your tweets short and sweet – do not make them too wordy. On twitter, you need to be able to capture your potential candidate’s attention quickly and so by writing a small amount you immediately become more approachable.


Do not forget to attach a link to the full job advertisement or description. This makes up for the lack of detail in the tweet and is generally more effective than simply putting contact details in the tweet. Not providing information up front can deter some candidates – why should they contact you when they know there is an accountant’s role somewhere in London? In these situations it is easy for candidates to skip your tweet; candidates are much more likely to contact you when they have the information they need and are excited about the position in question.


83% of companies use Facebook. This means that there is a high amount of competition and so to stand out you need to be unique. One way is to create ads that can be posted on your wall or via Facebook ads. Ads are generally more eye catching; you just need to make sure that your ad stands out by using clean, bold imagery or text, with only the most relevant information.


LinkedIn is the most successful social networking platform when it comes to connecting with both potential clients and potential candidates. Currently, 93% of agencies use LinkedIn. With the inception of LinkedIn Recruiter (, agencies can now search specifically for the ideal candidate. This can be achieved through defining your search criteria and not being scared to set exclusion criteria for candidates that are no longer suitable for the position. This will result in more precise results. Optimising your career pages as well as paying for LinkedIn ads can also increase your success on LinkedIn. It is also recommended that you share and post information, connect with people and increase your company’s visibility on a daily basis. All of which will help you increase your reach to new clients and candidates. Social platforms can no longer be ignored by the business industry. Therefore, it is important that you are able to recognise the importance of it and the success that it can bring to your company. However, it is also important that you use your time productively and although social media is a must in today’s age, it is essential to not lose sight of traditional recruiting methods. These are discussed in detail in our Recruitment Industry Network video.
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