
Recruitment Trends 2019

Monday 26 November 2018

Recruitment Trends 2019
As we come to the end of another year, thoughts turn to 2019. What are the key recruitment trends next year; what do you need to be weary of and what can you capitalise on?

Not surprisingly, Brexit is on most people’s lips and the uncertainty that leaving the EU will bring.

Indeed, Brexit will bring more challenges than opportunities, most significantly with talent. You need to consider if Brexit will affect the talent not only within your business at a senior and junior level, but also within your client’s businesses.

Although implications of Brexit are as of yet unknown, you should be reviewing the potential impact on your business and how you can mitigate your risk when the time comes.

In addition to Brexit, some of the other challenge’s recruiters may face this year are as follows:

Candidate driven market

It has become more and more difficult to recruit the right people. Previously, the candidate was the salesperson, but roles have reversed, and you will need to educate your clients to sell themselves in order to entice candidates to take the role on offer. Ensure that your clients are making the right impression to entice candidates who can assist in moving their business forward. Recruitment marketing is the new buzz word, ensure that you show the desire and interest in the candidate too to make them want to take the job on offer.

Inbound recruiting

Inbound recruiting is becoming more and more popular. Again, businesses need to be proactive at enticing candidates to work for them, not only with promises of flexible working and benefits, but to compete your clients will need to be clear on their culture and values and how they can support candidates in their development. Candidates will be comparing businesses more than ever before, making it essential for your clients to differentiate and stand out – the best way to do this is through showcasing the culture of your clients.

This also goes for you too. Candidates have more choice over the recruiters they use, what differentiates you and why should they work with you?

Employer branding

As above, improving yours and your clients’ brand and becoming known as THE place to work is key to recruiting the people you want. It will take time, effort and investment to improve your brand; however, if you do so, you will reap the rewards in the long-term.

Candidate experience

The interview process is scary enough for most candidates; therefore, ensure that you make the experience they have memorable (in the right way obviously). They should leave the interview with positive thoughts about both the interviewers and the business. You also need to be able to understand the skills of the candidate – can they do the role? Do they fit in to your clients’ culture? Create an interview process that is effective at revealing future leaders.

Social Recruiting

Using social media for recruitment is one of the key recruitment trends that will continue to be a growth area. LinkedIn, Facebook etc. are platforms that allow you to converse with potential candidates. Also look at groups formed on LinkedIn that relate to your sector, an easy way to discuss business with like-minded people.

HR analytics

Companies are beginning to use technology more and more to measure what recruitment practices are successful for them. By using software, you can build trends over time to see where you should invest resources and identify what areas need to be improved.

There will always be challenges in the recruitment sector and the coming year will bring more than normal. Make sure that your business is primed for the latest recruitment trends and that when a recruitment need arises, you are the choice that the candidate takes.

Article By

Adam Moody


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