

Stay updated on all things business, tax and accounting solutions that suit your company.

  • Tax From The Trenches: Stand Your Ground Tax From The Trenches: Stand Your Ground

    This months blog is about a win we secured at the Tax Tribunal earlier this month. The case in interesting for a variety of reasons, but the most important lesson we can learn is to stand your ground when faced with an unreasonable HMRC officer.

  • Capital Gains Tax: When ‘Simplify’ Really Means ‘Multiply’ Capital Gains Tax: When ‘Simplify’ Really Means ‘Multiply’

    The Office of Tax Simplification has just released its proposals to simplify the Capital Gains Tax (CGT) regime by bringing the rates at which tax is paid on gains in line with those charged on income tax.

  • HMRC Receives Airbnb Letting Data HMRC Receives Airbnb Letting Data

    It’s important for Landlords to realise that HMRC will know about their lettings through Airbnb, so full disclosure of all their taxable property income is essential, including for all prior years.

  • How Will Increasing Corporation Tax to 24% Affect Businesses Over the Next Year? How Will Increasing Corporation Tax to 24% Affect Businesses Over the Next Year?

    The question small business owners may well ask is how are they going to afford higher tax bills when many are already struggling to make ends meet as a result of substantially reduced income streams over a number of months since lockdown started.

  • Tax From The Trenches: Don’t Be Afraid to Challenge HMRC Tax From The Trenches: Don’t Be Afraid to Challenge HMRC

    Do not be intimidated by the letter or notice, and do not assume that because it has come from HMRC that it must be right. It also has to be said that occasionally some tax Inspectors simply choose to ignore the rules.

  • Tax Tips For The Property Sector Tax Tips For The Property Sector

    We all know the world of tax is a minefield, and businesses in any industry that don’t regularly review their finances run the risk of being either non-compliant or paying more tax than they need to.

  • Tax Tips For The Technology & Innovation Sector Tax Tips For The Technology & Innovation Sector

    We all know the world of tax is a minefield, and businesses in any industry that don’t regularly review their finances run the risk of being either non-compliant or paying more tax than they need to.

  • Tax From The Trenches: Can You Trust Your Accountant? Tax From The Trenches: Can You Trust Your Accountant?

    He had been told repeatedly not to worry and that everything was in hand however, as we were to find out later, nothing was further from the truth.

  • Let Property Campaign Let Property Campaign

    Raffingers' tax team, which includes ex HMRC staff, are extremely experienced in dealing with tax issues involving making disclosures to HMRC using...

  • Property Capital Gains Tax and Coronavirus Property Capital Gains Tax and Coronavirus

    As the worst of the Covid-19 pandemic has hit, the government has been making a number of changes to help businesses cope with the economic impact.

  • Website - cycle If I Can Bicycle, I Bicycle

    When isolation strikes, it’s important to ensure we are all taking care of our mental and physical health, and cycling is a great way of achieving...

  • Website Child Benefit Scheme

    The current crisis has made many of us focus on our personal finances as income is reduced or even dries up completely   One thing to consider, as...

  • £20 Million on R&D to Build UK Resilience Following Coronavirus Outbreak   £20 Million on R&D to Build UK Resilience Following Coronavirus Outbreak  

    Businesses could help boost the UK’s resilience to the long-term impact of the coronavirus outbreak and similar situations in the future, as a...

  • Website Boost Cashflow With R&D Tax Credits

    With the unprecedented Coronavirus outbreak affecting most businesses, it isn't a surprise to hear that cashflow concerns are at the forefront of many...

  • IR35 Deferred Until April 2021 IR35 Deferred Until April 2021

    As part of the government efforts to ease pressure on businesses and the self-employed, the new IR35 rules, which had been due to apply from next...


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