
Why Are Level 10 Meetings Not Part Of Your Business?!

Thursday 25 August 2022

Written by Lee Manning

Why Are Level 10 Meetings Not Part Of Your Business?!

Why Are Level 10 Meetings Not Part Of Your Business?!

If you run a business and have not read Traction by Gino Wickman, then you're missing out on one of the best business books ever written for entrepreneurs! I was so impressed with the content that we implemented the EOS (Entrepreneurs Operational System) into our practice 3 years ago and the results have been truly amazing.

I now help other businesses implement the system into their business and I'm happy to share the knowledge I have gained, implementing it into our practice and helping other businesses. So what is a Level 10 meeting and why are they so important?

The Level 10 meetings are the final piece of the puzzle, helping bring all the other strategies together by following a very strict agenda. They can only start once the People, Vision, and Systems, modules have been completed. It’s very tempting to start the Level 10 meetings to get things going but you can actually do more harm than good by trying to start them without having the foundations in place first.

So why are they so important?

Each department has its own Level 10 agenda, meeting every week for between 45 to 60 minutes. It’s important to meet weekly as it ensures things get done and you are on track with all your goals and 'Rocks' (to-do’s). It highlights very quickly if there are issues that need resolving or if you are off track. However (and most importantly), you review your quarterly Rocks at each meeting to make sure you are on track. These Rocks ensure the leadership team are held accountable and are in line with the business Rocks that have been agreed upon for the forthcoming year. You also review last week's to-do’s to make sure they have been completed or are still on track and to investigate, discuss and solve any new issues that might have arisen during the week. This ensures any critical issues are resolved and the company is on track to meet its annual goals that have already been agreed upon.

The meetings never last longer than an hour, and time is spent dealing with critical issues that need resolving, ensuring those attending are held accountable as there is nowhere to hide!

Each meeting is scored out of 10 so that the quality of the meetings doesn't drop off, and decisions are being made for the benefit of the business and everyone is pulling in the right direction.

If you have any further enquiries about implementing Level 10 meetings into your business or anything else, feel free to email me at or click here.

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