

Stay updated on all things business, tax and accounting solutions that suit your company.



  • How to Increase your Pension Pot

    During the Budget 2014 announcement, George Osborne stated that pensions will become more flexible. Therefore, from April 2015, people aged 55 and...

  • Knowing When to Claim your Mileage

    It is not safe to assume that the cost of travel from a home office to a client or customer is always tax deductible. There are many instances when...

  • Second Homes are not just for Members of Parliament

    Most of us have secretly (or perhaps not so secretly!) enjoyed seeing a number of MPs squirm as they’ve had their expense claims scrutinised over...

  • How to Increase your Capital Gains Tax Exemptions

    Anti-avoidance laws were introduced by HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) to prevent people from seeking ways to cut their tax bill. However, the laws...

  • Crack Down on Rental Income

    Tax avoidance is serious business for HMRC, and while this may seem old news for many people, their latest crack down on the buy-to-let sector is...

  • Tax e-News - April

    Welcome to the April edition of our Tax E-News. This month we shed light on the topic of taxable compensation, discuss new services being introduced...

  • Relief for Small Businesses – Don’t Miss Out

    For many years I have been led to believe that you get ‘nothing for nothing’ and generally that is true. Except when it comes to HM Revenue &...

  • Changes in the Pension Landscape

    In last weeks’ budget, the chancellor announced a number of significant changes to the world of pensions in an attempt to provide greater choice and...

  • PAYE Penalties - The Grace Period is Up

    In April 2013 HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) introduced Real Time Information (RTI), where employers are expected to report PAYE information on or...

  • DIY PAYE codes

    HMRC is going ahead with two new services which will allow directors and employees greater control over their tax codes. Can you take advantage? New...

  • Make Mine a Spritzer

    When I got my first i-phone, I remember spending literally hours in the App Store being “wowed” by apps that, even in the short time that has...

  • RTI - Temporary Relaxation for Micro Employers

    HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) has announced that existing employers with nine or fewer employees have until April 2016 to get used to reporting Real...

  • How far can you stretch a tax-free loan?

    From April directors can borrow more from their company without being taxed. The downside is that the company still faces a tax bill. As a director...

  • Tax e-News - March

    Welcome to our Tax E-news. This month we’ll be anticipating the March Budget, which will be delivered by George Osborne on 19 March 2014. We will be...

  • Big Brother Is Watching You…Tax Avoiders!

    Tackling offshore tax evasion has been a focus of UK government for - what seems like - forever, yet recent developments and agreements will see HM...


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