

Stay updated on all things business, tax and accounting solutions that suit your company.



  • Tax-free employer childcare vouchers

    The tax break for employer-provided childcare vouchers is to be scrapped. The good news for parents is that they will be replaced by a more generous...

  • Minimising CGT on property

    If you own a property other than your home you could be facing a large tax bill when you come to sell. Apart from relying on your annual exemption,...

  • Cashback deals to be taxed

    HMRC has stirred up a hornets’ nest by ruling that cashback on certain investments will be taxed from now on. What’s the full story? Return...

  • Get on your bike and ride!

    Well I never thought I would say this but I actually look good head to toe in lycra! Let me explain… As you most probably know I do like to keep fit...

  • Fair Taxes?

    There’s hardly a day goes by where a journalist or a politician doesn’t make reference to “fair” or “unfair” taxes. I think it’s safe to...

  • Rental property owners under attack

    You’ve read worrying reports about checks being made by HMRC’s Property Income Task Force. While you own a rental property, it’s only made...

  • Car Leasing

    Leasing a business car rather than purchasing what is inevitably a fast-depreciating asset in today’s world, has its attractions. One of these is...

  • Can your children actually help you save some money?

    One of our clients wanted to put his teenage son on the company payroll to help him with his finances, but was worried what HMR&C might say about...

  • Today’s Tax Advice: Pre-order Havana Cigars!

    I am hysterically bad at Budget predictions. In days gone by when such matters were the subject of office sweepstakes (oh the fun we have here in...

  • Boy to Man - Where Did The Time Go?

    I realised the other day that I have been working at the same place for 25 years. I have an unlimited number of great stories I could I share with you...

  • Where should you invest your company money?

    A tribunal recently considered the tax consequences of a director investing company money into his personal bank account. The judgment didn’t go...

  • When can a new company pay dividends?

    As a general rule, dividends are the most tax efficient way to get income out of your company. But these can only be paid where you’re making a...

  • Useful online VAT services

    Until now, the Taxman’s online VAT services have been basic, but he’s recently added some genuinely useful tools. What’s to know? Online...

  • Changes ahead for CAs on company cars

    Next April will see two changes to the CO2 bands which determine the rate of capital allowances (CAs) you can claim for the cost of company cars. What...

  • Using Your Home for Business?

    We always look to maximise your tax breaks if you use your home for business, as they can be considerable (with care). For example, if there is...


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