

Stay updated on all things business, tax and accounting solutions that suit your company.

  • Cybercrime Tackling Cybercrime In The Charity Sector

    The pandemic is likely to affect charity funds in the next few years, together with reduced funding due to Brexit, so your charities cyber security is more important than ever. There is no better time to investigate cybercrime for charities!

  • Profit First A Profit First Success Story

    It appears that Profit First is getting a lot of traction in the UK, as I’m seeing more businesses asking for help to implement the method in their business. The method is extremely effective in putting you in control, but how exactly does it work?

  • Cashflow or Profit What's More Important, Cashflow or Profit?

    A question that often arises during conversations with clients is whether it is more important to ensure that the business is profitable, or that it is has a strong cashflow. The truth is that one should usually lead to the other!

  • HMRC Tax Enquiry An HMRC Tax Enquiry That Just Wouldn't Go Away!

    There's no better feeling as a tax professional than to let a client know that a long-running enquiry has been concluded! The feeling's even sweeter when the HMRC officer has been determined to prove that the client had been paying off-record wages.

  • The Start-up Business Kit The Start-up Business Kit

    The Financial, Tax and Accounting Considerations of Starting a New B usiness With this handy reference guide to starting a business, you should be able to successfully handle many of the problems encountered in starting and running a business. Alway

  • Help To Buy Is 'Help To Buy' As Good As It Seems?

    At first glance, the help to buy scheme appears to be an ideal way for prospective homeowners to purchase a home with a 5% deposit. However, a few factors should be carefully considered before committing to this scheme.


    We’re excited to announce that we have recently struck up a partnership with cost management consultancy - Reducer to offer our clients free and easy savings on their business utilities.

  • Art&Graft Research and Development Claim: A Huge Impact On Their Cashflow

    Neill guided the company through the R&D claim process and was able to claim over £70,000 in tax credit repayments, this had a huge positive impact on their cash flow and meant the company could take on more projects.

  • Accountancy Partner From Accountants to Accountancy Partners

    I have always personally liked to think we are the client’s unofficial business partner. It’s who we are – always on their side, always willing to help and always willing to go that extra mile to bring our skills and experience to bear on a problem.

  • R&D Tax From The Trenches: Richard’s Face Was An Absolute Picture

    I was introduced to a client and from our short conversation on the phone, I felt pretty sure that there were some qualifying activities and projects and was certainly more than happy to invest half a day to go and speak with Richard about it.

  • Recovery Loan Scheme Recovery Loan Scheme

    As we say goodbye to CBILS and BBLS, the Recovery Loan Scheme (RLS) is here to smooth the transition back to the new normal.

  • SME Brexit Support Fund SME Brexit Support Fund

    You can now apply for the SME Brexit Support Fund. This means smaller businesses can get up to £2,000 to pay for practical transition support, including training or professional advice to adjust to new rules.

  • Recruitment Recession The Recruitment Industry’s Role In Recovering From A Recession

    By keeping an eye on these five main issues, it will help you get through a tricky period coming out of lockdown and ensure you are best placed during the recession that we will face over years to come.

  • Re-Emergence of Restaurants and Bars Re-Emergence of Restaurants and Bars

    It’s not breaking news that our high streets are in trouble. With major players already closed, and others not looking like they will reopen anytime soon, combined with an online delivery explosion, it is consequently changing the way we shop.

  • Kickstart Scheme Get Back Into Work With The Kickstart Scheme

    In September last year, the government announced a new initiative to help people aged between 16 and 24 who are claiming Universal Credit or at risk of long-term unemployment, to get back into work by introducing the Kickstart Scheme.


Tired of searching endlessly for blogs, books and emails that you hope will help you solve your business problems? Don’t worry, we’ve got your entire business journey covered. From how to secure funding and manage cashflow, right through to succession planning and everything in between. Sound good? Join the Raffingers Tribe to gain access to an ever-growing library including:

  • Exclusive tribe events
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