

Stay updated on all things business, tax and accounting solutions that suit your company.

  • Roy - Right time to retire When to Step Back...

    My view is the earlier the better. Its time’s like this I wished I had listened to my dear old dad ... “start saving now son” But like most in...

  • LOGO_ Client Payments

    We have been made aware that a number of clients have received invoices purporting to come from Raffingers. The e-mails appear to come from real...

  • Customer Feedback What do your candidates really think of you?

    Understanding your candidates’ opinion of you is essential for your future growth. Without getting feedback it is impossible for you to know if you...

  • Suda - Comprimising Reputation Securing Finance for Your Business

    Most businesses need financing at some point, whether it’s healthy and long-established or a start-up business. If you are a well-established...

  • Neill - Tax From Trenches SMALLEr Tax from the Trenches: "I would love to put a face to the most inept officer I've ever dealt with..."

    I have spent the last few days working with a client to prepare witness statements for a tax tribunal hearing that will take place later this year....

  • Lee - Isolated Business Owners Isolated Business Owners

    Running your own business can make you feel very  iso lated   and in all the years I have been helping clients , I have seen the detrimental ...

  • Mehul - Inheritance Tax How to Ensure Your Family Benefit From Your Hard Work

    Record numbers of inheritance tax is being co llected by HMRC each year. It astonishes me when I meet business owners or individuals with no w ill in...

  • Paul - Cashflow Modelling Personal Cashflow Modelling

    We all know how important it is to prepare business plans and cash flow forecasts for our business, they are key financial tools when aiming to keep...

  • Tax Tips for Property Developers Tax Tips for Property Developers

    I meet a lot of property developers – from the novice, first timer through to the experienced, corporate developer.  And whilst the questions...

  • Screenshot 2020-01-09 at 10.31.00 Utilising Office 365 at SME's

    Technology plays a massive role in the day to day running our firm. Within that , Microsoft Office 36 5 has huge potential to be very effective for...

  • Become a Recruitment Leader Become a Recruitment Leader

    The recruitment sector is one of the most competitive sectors; it is becoming increasingly important for recruiters to stand out and become a...

  • Spotlight On: Our Newest Partner - Mehul Thaker!

    We are so excited to announce the promotion of the incredibly motivated and talented, Mehul Thaker. Mehul’s promotion brings our total number of...

  • Mehul Announcement Raffingers Promote Mehul Thaker to Partner

    Top 100 UK Accountants, Raffingers promote Associate Partner, Mehul Thaker, to Partner, bringing the total number of partners at the Essex and London...

  • free-working-together-vector The Power of One...

    I had a meeting with a new start-up the other day and it was very clear from early on that she needed help with more than just preparing her accounts...

  • Roy Top Tech Trends 2020

    Small businesses that plan to implement the latest technology trends during 2020 , will hold a significant advantage over their competitors. ...


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