

Stay updated on all things business, tax and accounting solutions that suit your company.



  • Securing Your Financial Future: Pension Planning Securing Your Financial Future: Pension Planning

    In this article we consider how, if used properly with a bit of creative thinking, Pension Planning can be a very good tool and should be very much something to consider when looking at your wealth management and retirement planning.

  • VAT REVERSE CHARGE FOR CONSTRUCTION VAT Reverse Charge for Building and Construction - FAQs

    From 1 March 2021 the domestic VAT reverse charge must be used for most supplies of building and construction services.

  • Tax From The Trenches: Not You Again... Tax From The Trenches: Not You Again...

    No matter how well you plan, and no matter how hard you chase your clients, there are always a few who leave it till the last few weeks to bring in their tax return information. I looked at the opening letter from HMRC and could not help but smile...

  • Brexit For Business Brexit For Business

    Britain left the European Union on 1 January 2021 and as a result, there have been several changes to the way that British businesses will do business with countries within the EU moving forward. I have summarised below what you need to know...

  • How Will Brexit Impact The Charity Sector? How Will Brexit Impact The Charity Sector?

    Charities, not for profit organisations and clubs; have had to adjust to unprecedented disruption in 2020. There seems to be no end in sight for these disruptions in 2021. The last minute Brexit deal is likely to be the next big headache for charity.

  • How Will Brexit Impact the Leisure & Entertainment Sectors? How Will Brexit Impact the Leisure & Entertainment Sectors?

    In the first lockdown we had Joe Wick's jumping jacks, excessive banana bread making and Zoom quizzes. The Crown and many other original offerings by Netflix, kept us entertained whilst stuck indoors during the second lockdown. But now what?...

  • Self-Assessment Tax Returns: Part Two Self-Assessment Tax Returns: Part Two

    My previous blog addressed the possibility that in view of difficulties taxpayers, accountants and HMRC were having as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, HMRC might defer the self-assessment filing deadline beyond the 31st January.

  • Brexit Guidance Webinar Brexit Guidance Webinar

    In this webinar we provide you with the information and resources to help you manage the changes to your business through Brexit.

  • How Will Brexit Impact The Property & Construction Sectors? How Will Brexit Impact The Property & Construction Sectors?

    I think everyone agrees that Brexit will have a significant short-term and medium-term impact on the property and construction sectors, as economic disruptions always come with uncertainty, and there are numerous risks associated with this.

  • Business Interruption Insurance Business Interruption Insurance

    Last weeks ruling in the Supreme Court has given many small businesses a glimmer of hope in the latest lockdown. This will mean that many insurers face the prospect of paying out millions for loss of earnings from the lockdown.

  • Raffingers Announce New Partner Raffingers Announce New Partner

    Award-winning, full-service accountancy and advisory firm, Raffingers are delighted to announce the appointment of Yedidya Zaiden as its newest Partner, bringing the total number of partners at the Essex and London based firm to eleven.

  • Should HMRC Defer Self-Assessment Tax Returns? Should HMRC Defer Self-Assessment Tax Returns?

    Over the past month as the self-assessment tax return deadline of 31st January loomed, HMRC has faced a growing chorus of calls to relax the requirement to submit returns by that date.

  • Are Tax Saving Schemes Too Good to Be True? An Interview With Keith Gordon of Temple Tax Chambers Are Tax Saving Schemes Too Good to Be True? An Interview With Keith Gordon of Temple Tax Chambers

    HMRC has recently launched a campaign highlighting the dangers of tax avoidance schemes. Whilst these schemes are not classed as tax evasion, they are sometimes based on interpretations of tax law which HMRC may challenge in court.

  • Customs Declarations For Goods You Bring Or Receive Into The UK Customs Declarations For Goods You Bring Or Receive Into The UK

    From 1 January 2021, if you are a UK-based business bringing or receiving goods from the EU, you must complete an import declaration to get your goods through customs.

  • Exporting Goods From Great Britain To The EU From The 1st January 2021 Exporting Goods From Great Britain To The EU From The 1st January 2021

    From 1 January 2021, you will need to make customs declarations when exporting goods to the EU. These rules currently apply to exporting goods to the rest of the world, including Switzerland, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein.


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