

Stay updated on all things business, tax and accounting solutions that suit your company.



  • HMRC Tax Enquiry Receiving A COP9 CDF Letter From HMRC

    In the last few months, we have seen increased activity from HMRC’s Fraud Investigation Service. In this article, Neill thought this would be a good opportunity to talk about COP9 and what you need to do if you receive a COP9 CDF letter from HMRC.

  • business quote The Thoughtful Business Owner - An Interview With Amrit Santhirasenan

    Amrit's inspiring story proves that it is possible to scale a start-up business whilst maintaining a healthy work life balance, if you have a team and are surrounded by people who want to push your business to success.

  • business quote Bigger Isn't Always Better - An Interview with Scale To Success Author Jan Cavelle

    In this interview Jan talks about her first hand experience of scaling a business to morph into a bigger venture, and the challenges that comes with. Jan has known failure and success and shares her tips on how to avoid the traps.

  • Construction Supply Shortage Low Stock Levels Affecting Pricing In The Construction Sector

    We sat down with Raffingers partner, Andrew Coney, to discuss the reasons why the prices of materials have 'sky-rocketed', why stock levels have decreased and exactly what to be aware of when getting involved in the Construction sector.

  • marketing advice How To Position Your Start-Up - An Interview With Seedcamp's Natasha Lytton

    In this interview, Natasha shares her secrets on how she has helped start ups with everything from defining brand purpose, to growth strategies and the art of creative story telling.

  • Building Cladding The Cladding Tax Proposal

    Unsafe cladding was brought to the forefront again in May, a month before the 4th anniversary of the Grenfell Tower, a fire broke out at a residential block in Canary Wharf. Many buildings still have to deal with the costly removal of this cladding.

  • How to Generate More Leads in 2020... How to Generate More Leads in 2021...

    Successful lead generation is all about tailoring your marketing in order to target the right people and in turn attract more customers. Here are 5 things you can do in order to generate more leads in 2021

  • BTBS Business Taking Your Profit First - An Interview With Author Mike Michalowicz

    "I became a self-made millionaire in my early thirties. My big fat ego exploded but I had no clue what I was doing, spending money like it was raining and it took me only about a year and a half to evaporate all my wealth" - Mike Michalowicz

  • BTBS Business Finances Understanding Your Business From A Financial Point Of View – With Lee Manning

    Whether you are someone that has recently started a side hustle, or a business owner of a mature company, Lee’s experience in helping businesses stay on top of their finances and scale up to the next level is invaluable.

  • Tax Efficient Profit Extracting Profits Tax Efficiently From Your Company

    We often get asked about “the most tax-efficient way to extract money from their own companies.” There are many ways of doing this, but it is key to ensure that any 'drawings' from the company is done so in a well-planned and tax-efficient manner.

  • Business Splitting Is Business Splitting a Viable Option?

    The VAT Registration limit of £85,000 over a 12 month period, creates a situation where a business trading just below the limit may be more competitive than a person operating a similar business, who are trading just over the limit.

  • Tax On European Properties After BREXIT Tax On European Properties After BREXIT

    Despite a last-minute attempt at negotiations, the UK left leaving the European Union on the 31st December 2020 without a deal. See some of the tax implications for UK residents who own second homes in France or Spain.

  • Small Charity Week The MWX Foundation – Lessons for Trustees

    15th June 2021 has been designated as ‘big advice day’ as part of Small Charity Week. In that spirit, I thought it would be appropriate to take a deeper look at some of the advice given by the Charities Commission as part of a recent investigation.

  • Bounce Back Loan Help! I Can't Repay My Bounce Back Loan...

    One of the measures the government introduced during the pandemic, was the ability to obtain a coronavirus bounce back loan. Now, a year on, banks have begun writing to businesses reminding them that repayments are due to start soon.

  • Bean Counter More Than Just A Bean Counter!

    We always strive to provide the best service for our clients and to achieve that, our service fee levels must be commercially viable. Unfortunately, so many enquiries are following a growing trend... a cheaper price!


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